Past 7 days from date Arrested/Booked 05/24/2024
Past 7 days from date Arrested/Booked 05/24/2024
April 2024. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
April 2024. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
Local Public Resources
Cities/Communities/Towns in Osceola County, Florida
- Buenaventura Lakes
- Bull Creek
- Campbell
- Celebration
- Champions Gate
- Deer Park
- Four Corners
- Harmony
- Holopaw
- Intercession City
- Kenansville
- Kissimmee
- Narc oossee
- Poinciana
- Reunion
- Saint Cloud
- Yeehaw Junction
Jail Location(s) in Osceola County, Florida
- Osceola County Correctional Facility - 402 Simpson Rd, Kissimmee, FL 34744
County and Local Law Enforcement Public Information
Osceola County Sheriff's Office, Florida
"Mission: Serve the public in partnership with our community, to protect life and property, prevent crime, respect human rights and resolve problems. We will ensure the peace and safety of all citizens by upholding the constitution..." Address: 2601 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34744 https://www.osceolasheriff.orgKissimmee Police Department, Florida
"We, the members of the Kissimmee Police Department, will work, in partnership with the community to continuously provide a safe and secure environment in which to live, work, and visit..." Address: 8 N Stewart Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Cloud Police Department, Florida
"The St. Cloud Police Department is an accredited law enforcement agency and recognized by the Commission on Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. Our Communications Center holds a prestigious triple accreditation..." Address: 4700 Neptune Rd, St Cloud, FL 34769 and Local Judicial Public Information
Osceola County Clerk Of The Circuit Court, Florida
"The role and duties of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & County Comptroller are established by the Florida Constitution Article VIII, Section 1. This office serves the public not only as the Clerk of the Circuit Court, but in acting as..." https://www.osceolaclerk.comCounty and Local Government Public Information
Osceola County, Florida - County Web Site
"Formed on May 12th, 1887 from portions of Orange County and Brevard County, Osceola County became Florida's 40th county. Named after the famed Seminole leader, this area was a transportation hub in the late nineteenth century for riverboats and... https://www.osceola.orgKissimmee, Florida - City Website
"Local historians have offered many variations of the origin of the City's name. Most agree that Kissimmee is a modern spelling of a tribal word. The book, Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe by Jerald T. Milanich, links "Kissimmee" to a village of the Jororo..." https://www.kissimmee.govSt. Cloud, Florida - City Website
"St. Cloud thrives with full occupancy of its commercial space, creating a dynamic and diverse community with revitalized buildings and infrastructure. There is increasing demand to expand its commercial boundaries, making St. Cloud a center for business growth..." https://www.stcloudfl.govAll persons listed on this site are innocent until proven guilty.
This information does not constitute a criminal record/history, and may not be interpreted as such. Information provided herein may not be relied upon for any type of legal action. This information is provided as a convenience to the general public and therefore no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information obtained through the use of this service.
The information found here was current at or around the time of publishing. Any new information (i.e. new charges, dropped charges, etc.) please contact the appropriate governmental agency.
If the courts have provided you with an order of expungment (FL Statute 943.0585) or have sealed the record (FL Statute 943.059), we will remove the information accordingly. Please use our support ticket system, to submit supporting documents along with the AF ID 4799251. You are encouraged to use our support ticket system, to help avoid any delays or doubts as to whether or not we have received your correspondence. Please visit our frequently asked questions for more information on removals.