Court Search

Ashlynn Michael Banks

Arrest/Booking Date
Date Booked: 04/11/2022 - about 2 years 24 weeks ago
Booking #
Past Arrest Files
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Details (at time of Arrest/Booking)
Ashlynn Michael Banks
Approximate Address:
▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇ Complete Address
Defuniak Springs FL 32433


Date of Birth
Approximate Age


Height (ft)
5' 1"
Height (cm)
154 cm


Booking #
Date Booked
Time of Booking
16:30 (4:30 PM)
Approximate Age when Booked


Charge Description: OUT-OF-COUNTY WARRANT
Crime Class: N
Data Charts
Daily Arrest/Booking
Past 7 days from date Arrested/Booked 04/11/2022
Arrest/Booking by Race
March 2022. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
Arrest/Booking by Age Group
March 2022. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
Public Resources

Local Public Resources

Cities/Communities/Towns in Walton County, Florida

  • DeFuniak Springs
  • Freeport
  • Miramar Beach
  • Paxton

Jail Location(s) in Walton County, Florida

  • WCSO - Walton County Jail, 796 Triple G Rd, Defuniak Springs, FL 32433
  • Florida DOC - Walton Correctional Institution, 691 Institution Rd, Defuniak Springs, FL 32433

County and Local Law Enforcement Public Information

Walton County Sheriff's Office, Florida

"The Walton County Sheriff's Office is committed to ensuring our community is a safe place to live, work and visit..." Address: 752 Triple G Rd, Defuniak Springs, FL 32433

DeFuniak Springs Police / Office of the City Marshal, Florida

"The Office of the City Marshal is one of only two City Marshal Offices, along with eleven other elected Chiefs of Police in the State of Florida. This office dates back to the late 19th century when the City was established around Lake DeFuniak..." Address: 355 US-90, Defuniak Springs, FL 32433

County and Local Judicial Public Information

Walton County Clerk of Court & County Comptroller, Florida

"Providing exceptional service through innovation, quality, and commitment..."

County and Local Government Public Information

Walton County, Florida - County Website

"Homepage for Walton County Board of County Commissioners for Walton County, FL..."

DeFuniak Springs, Florida - City Website

"For thousands of years, the area today known as DeFuniak Springs was inhabited by Native Americans. On March 4, 1881 the Florida State Legislature incorporated the Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad. As the survey party set out from Pensacola..."
About Information

All persons listed on this site are innocent until proven guilty.

This information does not constitute a criminal record/history, and may not be interpreted as such. Information provided herein may not be relied upon for any type of legal action. This information is provided as a convenience to the general public and therefore no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information obtained through the use of this service.

The information found here was current at or around the time of publishing. Any new information (i.e. new charges, dropped charges, etc.) please contact the appropriate governmental agency.

Florida Law
Arrest Files Notice

If the courts have provided you with an order of expungment (FL Statute 943.0585) or have sealed the record (FL Statute 943.059), we will remove the information accordingly. Please use our support ticket system, to submit supporting documents along with the AF ID 4327419. You are encouraged to use our support ticket system, to help avoid any delays or doubts as to whether or not we have received your correspondence. Please visit our frequently asked questions for more information on removals.

AF ID: 4327419
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