September 2024. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
September 2024. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
Local Public Resources
Cities/Communities/Towns in Galveston County, Texas
- Bacliff
- Bayou Vista
- Bolivar Peninsula
- Clear Lake Shores
- Dickinson
- Friendswood
- Galveston
- Hitchcoc
- Jamaica Beach
- Kemah
- La Marque
- League City
- San Leon
- Santa Fe
- Seabrook
- Texas City
- Tiki Island
Jail Location(s) in Galveston County, Texas
- County Jail
- GCSO - Galveston County Jail, 5700 Avenue H, Galveston, TX 77551
- GCJJD - Galveston County Juvenile Detention Center, 6101 Attwater Ave, Texas City, TX 77590
- City Jail
- League City Jail, 555 W Walker St, League City, TX 77573
County and Local Law Enforcement Public Information
Galveston County Sheriff's Office (GCSO), Texas
"It is The Mission of the Galveston County Sheriff's Office: To serve all people with Respect, Fairness, and Sensitivity. We are committed to the Prevention of Crime and the Protection of Life and Property; We shall strive to remain true to the..." Address: 601 54th St, Galveston, TX 77551 http://sheriff.galvestoncountytx.govLeague City Police Department (LCPD), Texas
"Mission Statement. The League City Police Department is devoted to protecting life, property, and individual liberties while enhancing the quality of life. To achieve these ends, we are committed to forming and promoting practical partnerships with each other and..." Address: 555 W Walker St, League City, TX 77573 Police Department (GPD), Texas
"In Galveston and in many communities, families measure their quality of life by available jobs, strong schools, and personal security. GPD's community relations programs address the latter. National research shows that when residents have an increased comfort level with police..." Address: 601 54th St, Galveston, TX 77551 City Police Department (TCPD), Texas
"The mission of the Texas City Police Department is to provide effective means for the prevention of crime and disorder while maintaining a transparent, accountable and accessible police department..." Address: 1004 9th Ave N, Texas City, TX 77590 and Local Judicial Public Information
Galveston County Clerk's Office, Texas
"The county clerk administers all the county and state elections unless the commissioners court has transferred those duties to the tax assessor-collector or a county election administrator. The county clerk may contract with local political subdivisions to conduct their elections..." County District Clerk's Office, Texas
"The District Clerk is designated as the custodian of all records relating to or lawfully deposited in the clerk's office. These records include all court pleadings and papers that are part of any cause of action, civil or criminal, in the courts served by the District Clerk..." and Local Government Public Information
Galveston County, Texas - County Website
"Galveston County believes that its citizens can participate in their own informed governance only to the extent they understand the actions taken by its executive body, the Galveston County Commissioners Court. Transparency of Commissioners Court actions promotes citizen understanding, which..." https://www.galvestoncountytx.govLeague City, Texas - City Website
"Welcome to our Friendly Community! League City is a waterfront community nestled along the shores of Clear Lake, 30 miles south of downtown Houston, with proximity to Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The city regularly ranks among the safest, most affordable, and best places to live and raise..." https://www.leaguecitytx.govGalveston, Texas - City Website
"Galveston Island is fortunate to have a diverse economic base anchored by maritime, healthcare, education, tourism, and has positioned itself as a vital component to the economic engine of the Texas Gulf Coast. Galveston recently surpassed..." https://www.galvestontx.govTexas City, Texas - City Website
"The City of Texas City has experienced significant growth and redevelopment. Located along Galveston Bay and 40 minutes from Houston, Texas City is a regional manufacturing, retail, and healthcare center; attracting workers and new residents from all over the Lone Star State. The city's..." https://www.texascitytx.govAll persons listed on this site are innocent until proven guilty.
This information does not constitute a criminal record/history, and may not be interpreted as such. Information provided herein may not be relied upon for any type of legal action. This information is provided as a convenience to the general public and therefore no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information obtained through the use of this service.
The information found here was current at or around the time of publishing. Any new information (i.e. new charges, dropped charges, etc.) please contact the appropriate governmental agency.

If the courts have provided you with an order of nondisclosure or an order of expungement, pursuant to Texas SB 1289 Sec.109.005, we will remove the information accordingly. Please use our support ticket system, to submit supporting documents along with the AF ID 4870343. You are encouraged to use our support ticket system, to help avoid any delays or doubts as to whether or not we have received your correspondence.