Court Search

James Robert Guenther

Charge: 35-44.1-2-9 - FTA - Failure to Appear (Warra...
Charge: 35-44.1-2-9 - FTA - Failure to Appear (Warra...
Arrest/Booking Date
Date Arrested: 05/22/2024 - about 15 weeks 3 days ago
Past Arrest Files
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Details (at time of Arrest/Booking)
James Robert Guenther




Date Arrested
Arresting Agency
Richmond Police Department


Charge Desc: 1
Charge Description: Charge: 35-44.1-2-9 - FTA - Failure to Appear (Warrant Arrest)
Charge Desc: 2
Charge Description: Charge: 35-44.1-2-9 - FTA - Failure to Appear (Warrant Arrest)
Data Charts
Daily Arrest/Booking
Past 7 days from date Arrested/Booked 05/22/2024
Daily Arrest/Booking by Gender
Past 7 days from date Arrested/Booked 05/22/2024
Public Resources

Local Public Resources

Cities/Communities/Towns in Wayne County, Indiana

  • Boston
  • Cambridge City
  • Centerville
  • Dublin
  • East Germantown
  • Economy
  • Fountain City
  • Greens Fork
  • Hagerstown
  • Milton
  • Mount Auburn
  • Richmond
  • Spring Grove
  • Whitewater

Jail Location(s) in Wayne County, Indiana

  • WCSO - Wayne County Jail, 200 E Main St, Richmond, IN 47374

County and Local Law Enforcement Public Information

Wayne County Sheriff's Office (WCSO), Indiana

"The Wayne County Sheriff's Office is committed to serve and protect the Wayne County community, its citizens and their pursuit of a better, safer, place for all of us to live and raise our families. Safeguarding life and property is our highest priority..." Address: 200 E Main St, Richmond, IN 47374

Richmond Police Department, Indiana

"The Richmond Police Department was formed in 1834 with two officers. Today it has evolved into a highly professional agency of 76 of the best men and women in law enforcement who have sworn an oath to protect the citizens of Richmond..." Address: 1040 Main St, Richmond, IN 46016

Fountain City Police Department, Indiana

"The Fountain City Police Department is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our citizens through professionally supported and trained police offers..." Address: 312 West Main St, Fountain City, IN 46016

County and Local Judicial Public Information

Wayne County Courts, Indiana

"Located in the Wayne County Courthouse."

Town of Fountain City Municipal Court, Indiana

"The Town of Fountain City Municipal Court provides citizens with a fair and impartial court of law by interpreting and adjudicating applicable state laws and city ordinances..."

County and Local Government Public Information

Wayne County, Indiana - County Website

"A popular government, without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives..."

Town of Fountain City, Indiana - Town Website

"Town of Fountain City....A Great Place to Live! In the Town of Fountain City, we are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear..."
About Information

All persons listed on this site are innocent until proven guilty.

This information does not constitute a criminal record/history, and may not be interpreted as such. Information provided herein may not be relied upon for any type of legal action. This information is provided as a convenience to the general public and therefore no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information obtained through the use of this service.

The information found here was current at or around the time of publishing. Any new information (i.e. new charges, dropped charges, etc.) please contact the appropriate governmental agency.

AF ID: 4796548
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