New Charge: Felony Arrest warrant PENDING (16-11-37 ...
New Charge: VIDALIA WARRANT warrant 09-11-24-853JEM ...
Arrest/Booking Date
Date Arrested: 09/11/2024 - about 22 weeks 9 hours ago
Past Arrest Files
Details (at time of Arrest/Booking)
Jikiah Lashae Knight
Black or African American
Date Arrested
Charge Desc: 1
Charge Description: New Charge: Felony Arrest warrant PENDING (16-11-37 - Terroristic Threats/Intimidation/Acts)
Charge Desc: 2
Charge Description: New Charge: VIDALIA WARRANT warrant 09-11-24-853JEM (20-2-1181 - Disruption or interference with operation of public schools)
Data Charts
Arrest/Booking by Race
August 2024. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
August 2024. Month prior to date Arrested/Booked
Public Resources
Local Public Resources
Cities/Communities/Towns in Toombs County, Georgia
- Lyons
- Santa Claus
- Vidalia
Jail Location(s) in Toombs County, Georgia
- TCSO - Toombs County Detention Center, 357 NW Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436
County and Local Law Enforcement Public Information
Toombs County Sheriff's Office (TCSO), Georgia
"The Toombs County Sheriff's Office is committed to protecting, serving, and maintaining peace for the citizens of Toombs County. Sheriff Kight has an open-door policy and encourages citizens to come in when they have a problem or need information..." Address: 357 NW Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436 https://toombscosheriff.orgLyons Police Department (LPD), Georgia
"About Lyons Police Department. The primary goal of the Lyons Police Department is fourfold. To create and maintain close and ongoing communication with the citizens of this community to direct resources toward their areas of critical concern..." Address: 161 NE Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436 Police Department (VPD), Georgia
"The mission of the Vidalia Police Department is to work in partnership with the community to enhance the quality of life in the City of Vidalia by reducing crime; protecting lives, property, and constitutional rights; and enforcing laws fairly and impartially..." Address: 302 E 1st St, Vidalia, GA 30474 and Local Judicial Public Information
Toombs County Clerk of Court, Georgia
"Clerk of Court..." Municipal Court, Georgia
"The Municipal Court of Lyons handles misdemeanor traffic offenses and city ordinance violations that have occurred within the city limits of Lyons..." Municipal Court, Georgia
"Vidalia Municipal Court..." https://www.vidaliaga.govCounty and Local Government Public Information
Toombs County, Georgia - County Website
"The Toombs County Georgia County Commission's Website is a source of information about the activities of the Toombs County Commission. This website is a doorway to a complete listing of the Minutes of Toombs County Commission meetings for the past two years..." https://www.toombscountyga.govCity of Lyons, Georgia - City Website
"Welcome to the City of Lyons! A Historic and spirited community, City of Lyons is a place where families and businesses flourish. The City Strives to capture the spirit of healthy living..." https://www.lyonsga.orgCity of Vidalia, Georgia - City Website
"Home Page. Vidalia Georgia" https://www.vidaliaga.govNotice
About Information
All persons listed on this site are innocent until proven guilty.
This information does not constitute a criminal record/history, and may not be interpreted as such. Information provided herein may not be relied upon for any type of legal action. This information is provided as a convenience to the general public and therefore no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information obtained through the use of this service.
The information found here was current at or around the time of publishing. Any new information (i.e. new charges, dropped charges, etc.) please contact the appropriate governmental agency.
AF ID: 4860658